Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008

Friends and Enemies...

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere..

Ali Bin Abi Taleb..

Who Won The Debate?

Having lived in the U.S. for a few years, I have to say that this year's presendential election is one of the most unique ones that i've seen. I've got to say that it's well publicied all over the world. Here in Indonesia, it's big news..Why's that, well, simple actually..One word..One man actually, that is Barrack Obama..Said he went to elementary school here..in Jakarta..SD Menteng..How amazing is that..You know? Just because of that small fact, his elementary school that is, the Indonesian news channel are all for Obama..Obama..Obama..

Well, myself, I think he's OK. Especially compared to McCain..Especially after seeing the presedential debates that have gone on, including the last one that, based on the CNN Polls, was won by Barrack Obama, 58% to 31%. That's a pretty big loss from a man who promised to kick Barrack Obama's "you know who" on the last election..Anyway..I don't like McCain's way of campaigning. How much more negatif can you be McCain? Haha..I don't think it's a very smart move trying to gain back voters with negatif campaigning like he's doing. A little off the subject when debating McCain is. Just keeps coughing out negatif facts about Obama when he should be thinking about his country that's going into an economic plunge (more about this later). Sad really. He wants to continue the war in Iraq when it's clear that the U.S. isn't getting anything but dead militants and resistance from countries like Iran and North Korea who I think are very capable of taking the U.S. down. That's just continuing the horrible job started by a horrible man, George W. Bush. The reason? He wants to bring the troops back in victory and not in defeat. What is that? Haven't they lost already. Dead militants going down everyday. For what? Saddam? Osama? Saddam's dead and Osama? Obviously not in Iraq is he. How stupid can you get sending your own troops to their death beds?

And how about Obama? Well, from the debates, people seem to think that he'll do a better job with the economy, health care, and taxes. That's cute. Will he really be able to do it? I don't know. Doesn't really matter to me anyway. Not in the U.S. anymore. But, one thing that matters is that if Obama does get picked, he better not forget the country that raised him in his few years here. He better not forget his surname either. Hussein is it? Hope he treats the Islamic world with a little more respect than that coward George W. Bush. It doesn't matter really. If he messes with us, Iran will be ready with their nuclear..haha..

Well..I guess that's all for now..Next topic? The economy..haha.

Keep Going On...

Develop success from failures....
Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.

Dale Carnegie...


What I need now...
2.26 A.M...not asleep yet...ask why?

Yeah, of course because of my assignment in algorithm & data structures...My group has worked on it since Monday, and it's still not finished...15 more hours till the deadline at 5 o clock tomorrow evening..eh wait..this evening...it's a new day already...Still at my campus...at HME..typing, coding...yet, what i get...

ERRORS..ERRORS..and ERRORS...haha...

must be more than a thousand times now that an error occured in our program...makes me sick seeing the words compiled failed...compiling failed...compiling failed...how often have I read that now...got it memorized all right...but, hey..i have to keep going...even though my eyes are rejecting..forcing me to sleep...and yet i can't...not until it's finished...damn Informatic Engineering...Why is it so damn hard..

And it gets worse...you know why?

you now how much i've prepared?
you know why?
you know what?
PASCAL-A...damn this assignment...hehe...

That's all folks...

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Pukul 23:38

Pukul 23:18 WIB...

compiler belum selesai...
executor belum selesai...
toc belum selesai...

jadi dapat diambil kesimpulan...
compiler pascala belum selesai juga...

2 hari sebelum pengumpulan tugas besar algoritma dan struktur data...

belum jadi ama sekali...
adt kata masih ancur...
adt struct masih ngaco...
adt compiler ga bener...
gmn compiler mo jadi..haha...
executor apalagi...
tapi kita harus semangat...semangat...dan terus semangat!

TOLONG!!! SOMEONE...tolonglah kelompokku ini...may god bless you nantinya..haha...

Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008

steak and shake ma calon ketua angkatan...

sehabis bangun tidur...
mandi..jangan lupa menggosok gigi...
sehabis manghrib...
makan...jangan lupa bawa calon ketua angkatan...

tu lah yang terjadi sehabis maghrib tadi..diajak makan ma temen2 kosan..membahas apakah salah satu temen kos aku..jadi atau tidak mencalonkan diri sebagai ketua angkatan di sebuah jurusan di salah satu universitas negeri di kota Bandung...
yah..rupanya teman saya ini bingung apakah harus mencalonkan diri atau tidak, alasannya? Cukup bisa diterima akal...calon2 yang sudah ada...calon yang terkuat saat ini, menurut teman aku yang cukup supel, baik hati, tidak sombong, dan mau mentraktir teman2nya demi nasehat seorang teman, dapat dijelaskan secara kasar dengan tiga kata...
hmm...itu lah gambaran betapa tidak layaknya calon terkuat saat ini, menurut teman aku...dengan alasan itulah, didukung dengan dorongan dari teman2 terdekatnya di jurusan tersebut, teman aku ingin mencalonkan diri...masalahnya...cukup besar...dia bingung apa yang harus disampaikan pada pidatonya esok pagi..pada pukul 8.00 Waktu Indonesia Barat...kata dia, ada dua yang harus disiapkan, Visi Misi dan alasan mengapa dia mau menjadi ketua angkatan...masalahnya lagi, teman aku yang satu ini tidak tahu jawaban kedua pertanyaan tersebut...Mengapa Anda ingin menjadi ketua angkatan? Apa visi misi anda ketika menjadi ketua angkatan? Hmm..pertanyaan yang menurut aku pasti berbuah jawaban-jawaban klise dari setiap calon yang ada...untuk visi dan misi jadikan angkatan solid, satukan dengan angkatan lainnya, dll..dan lain-lain...misinya? yah adain acara lah...apa lagi...ujung-ujung visi misi angkatan tu yah itu itu juga...yang menarik adalah alasan seorang mau jadi ketua angkatan...pasti jawabannya bervariasi...kreatif lah calon-calon pemimpin mah...tapi dibalik semua itu...pasti...satu hal...ingin EXIST...haha...
yah...yang dapat ku simpulkan dari semua itu, yang aku tau pasti sih...makan bersama calon ketua angkatan yang sedang bingung berbuah makan malam di warung steak and shake dengan menu tenderloin double, plus nasi, ditambah milkshake special mocca, GRATIS...hehe...